Monday 14 May 2012

chapter One

                               Chapter - One
                               Family Disputes

Where the rays of the shining sun in the morning should wake Varun up, the continuous barking and licking of his dog opened his eyes at 5:00 in the morning. All, the dog wanted, was to play with him, but Varun laid down on the bed for hours until he heard his parents arguing about the topic, that was the reason of dispute among them.

“So, what do you want to say, I should allow my son to work outside, rather than in his own family business? This is insane,” his dad said angrily
“I just want you to give him a chance to prove himself that he is worth something” Varun’s mom said
“I can’t allow this. He will contribute his efforts in his family business in Jaipur rather than sweating his blood in some lame corporate organization. ” his dad said and left as he dropped the conversation in between

Varun listened everything silently trying to find a way to convince his whole family. Meanwhile he could think of doing something else, his mom entered the room to wake him up.

“Wake up son, its 7’0 clock; you don’t want to be late for your family breakfast” his mom said setting aside the curtain as finally the rays of the sun entered his room
“Good morning mom, Bruno already woke me up. I just pretended to sleep to avoid all the drama.” Varun said
“So you heard everything, Varun?” mom asked
“What do you guess, the way he shouted, I guess our prime minister does not need any alarm clock.” Varun said
“Hey!” His mom gave him staring eyes in order to stop him.
“So, are they convinced about my job?” Varun asked already knowing the answer
“Do you think so? Your father is determined about your job. He even started preparations for your arrival in the business. When are you going back anyway?” mom replied and asked at the same time”
“In two or three days depending on the environment in the house.” Varun replied
“Okay, don’t worry, just keep faith. Come on get up now, bruno is eager to play with you now. And after that, go get fresh, breakfast table is about to get set up.” Mom said as she didn’t want to touch the most avoidable topic in the morning’

After one hour, Varun came out of his room to get breakfast. Since his childhood, every time he had a hot discussion with his family member or even if he hears any kind of hot arguments he locks himself in his room. His room was a kind of an escape from every thing where he can spend time doing every thing he likes.

“So when are you going back to college?” his tauji (Mr. Arjun mittal) asked
“Day after tomorrow tauji.” Varun replied with his head down trying to ignore any more discussion.
“Have you completed your training?” Mr. mittal asked
“Ya completed a week ago. My holidays too are about to over. As I said I’ll be leaving day after tomorrow” Varun said and started to eat his breakfast quickly so that he can leave the table
“Slow down son. You don’t want to choke your throat, do you?” His dad warned.

Varun looked first at his dad, then at her mom. His mom though stood silently her expression was clear.

“How much time more do you need to complete your M.B.A.” tauji again asked out of curiosity.
“It will take a year more, I guess” Varun said
“Finish your M.B.A. soon because you know, your father is waiting for your big entrance in your family business.” Tauji said but it was more like an order
“But tauji, I want to work outside with a multinational corporation. What I am learning is of no use in our business. We deal in jewelry and stones but I want to work as a H.R. manager. It’s a part of a management.” Varun said trying to convince every body.

“You done? We are your family and we can never think bad for you. That is why I am saying you will contribute your time in our----- in your family business. Look at your dad, he started working with me right after his graduation and see where we took our business. We are the most demanded jewelers when it comes to rare stones. You want to work independent, fine, when you join us, we will establish a new branch in a state of your choice. That is all I can do, and I want no more discussion on this topic ever again. Okay?” tauji said with a strong voice and left the table

Varun seeing his dreams shattered, went to his room and locked himself for the next 2-hours. However, his sister ANU tried to convince him but he did not open the door. After some time when everybody almost gave up, his mom knocked on the door, and just like that, the door was open. As locking himself was an old tradition in Varun’s family, he knows when his mom knocks.

“Why you are so bothered, son?” mom asked
“Why you ask questions whose answers you already know mom.” Varun said sadly.
“Oh boy, how many times do I need to tell you this, you don’t have to worry about this now. You have one full year in front of you. Enjoy that. Concentrate on your studies, be a good MBA, then think about as what to do and what not.” Mom said

“Nothing’s going to change mom. I know even after one year I have to work with my dad, and my dreams will be shattered. You will see. ” Varun said
“Nothing is going to happen like that. Do not worry. You do know I always have the magical wand. So, don’t you worry” mom said
“Ya I know. My mom BHAVNA MITTAL; wife of MR. VANSH MITTAL is a damn good magician. You remember one time when I forgot to bring a bunch of boxes from the shop to home and I was about get scolded, and then you came with the idea, saying that I left it at my friends home and we can get it tomorrow. I guess those days are not coming back. Are they?” Varun asked as he smiles after remembering his childhood memories.
“well, I can’t say anything about the past memories but I can say this though, that I am still that magician, and I am still here for you, with my magic wand; remember that, okay?” his mom said consoling.
“I know mom.            Only you understand me and can show me the right path.” Varun said with a smile on his face.
“Well, me and your sister.” Mom said
“She used to. But ever since she got married, she joined the ‘MITTAL’ camp rather than supporting me.” Varun said in contempt
“You don’t know the truth. After her marriage, she knew that opposing the family will not result into anything good, so she thought if you can’t beat them, join them, and I above all will always support you and you must know that.” Mom explained
“Well I guess, it’s now two against the whole family.” Varun said

“That we will see after the completion of your MBA. Right now I think, you got many things to do. For starting, your friend Rajan called many times, I am guessing you have not seen him since you got here. At least meet him before you go.” Mom said drifting the focus of the topic away from family to friends.
“Yes mom, we are planning to meet this evening, but before that I have to meet someone important. That and I am thinking of visiting some places I like, you know spend some time alone.” Varun said
“Well then, what are you doing here sitting with your head down? Go on and enjoy the day.” Mom said
“Thank you mom.” Varun said as he kisses his mom’s hand.
“I love you son and don’t you forget that okay?” mom said
“Love you too mom.” Varun replied.
“By the way, be back for dinner, your grand pa wants to see you.”
“For sure ma, I will be back before the dinner for sure” Varun said and left in a rush for the most awaited meeting of that day.


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